

In Torquay!

Right now I'm sitting on my bed blogging and checking facebook because I don't have much time to be on the computer. After this I'm off to a pool party:)

So yesterday we arrived to Torquay after a 5h buss drive. The leaders took us to a arena where we met all the other EF students form other countries. That was the place the host families where going to pick us up from. We learned the EF dance and played volleyball until the family came for you. My host family is really nice. It consists of a mum, dad and 2 daughters in ages 14 and 16. My room mate is from Spain and really nice as well.

Today we had to wake up pretty early since we had to be at the EF School at 9 a.m. We were putted into classrooms (yet only with Finns) to do our placement tests. After the school we had some free time. Me and my friend went to the main shopping street to check out the stores and to eat our lunch. WE founds stores like H&M, New Look, Superdrug, Topshop, Primark etc. Later on we had a tour with the leaders around Torquay.

On our way to Torquay!

My side of the room. It's actually a lot bigger that what the picture let's you understand.

Obviously I had to forget the computer charger home so I'm very soon out if battery since it wasn't even full in the first place. But I will be able to use the host family's computer, we'll see what I do about the pictures. 

2 nights in London

I have a lot of pictures to share from when we were in London. We stayed at a hostel in rooms with 4-6 people in each.

During the 1st day we saw all the biggest attractions like Big Ben, London eye, Buckingham palace... we even saw Queen Elisabeth which was really cool. We did walk a lot. While queuing to Madame Tussaud's I think we counted that we had walked for about 10 km all together.

The 2nd day was the shopping day. We had about 2h 30min. time to shop in the Oxford street/Regent street area, so we had to be really quick. Otherwise we only ate and packed up our baggage.

 On our way to McDonald's.

 At Madame Tussaud's


After the shopping.


1st night in London

Today I arrived to London! The way from the airport to the hostel in central London went really well. I've already met a lot of new people (yet only Finns) and made new friends. All we did today was basically getting to the destination, getting our room and eating at McDonald's. Right now we're getting ready for bed. Pictures and more about London coming when I get to Torquay:)



It feels like just a short while back it was 5 weeks until I was going to Torquay, when now it's actually only 5 DAYS left! 

I've already got all the information, all the papers that I need, I know where my host family lives...
I'm just so excited to soon actually be in England meeting all the new people and experiencing all the new things. The first 2 days I'm going to spend in London and after that It's off to Torquay and meeting the host family.

But for now it's just to wait...